from The Rational Edge: This article discusses
the concept of Agile Software Configuration Management,
a style of SCM geared toward agile development methods.
It also describes how the IBM Rational SCM toolset can
be implemented to support agile projects.
It wasn't that long ago that agile development methods
such as eXtreme Programming (XP), Dynamic Systems Development
Method (DSDM), or Scrum were introduced as new and somewhat
controversial methods for delivering software development
projects. Today, agile development practices such as
iterative development, test-driven development, and
continuous integration are commonplace and have been
accepted and absorbed as an alternative approach to
software development. Whatever your beliefs or experience,
you cannot deny that agile development projects can
and have proved successful in delivering functionality
on time and to budget.1
This article discusses a specific aspect of agile
development -- the concept of Agile Software Configuration
Management, or Agile SCM, a well-designed, light form
of SCM that can be used by software development projects
practicing agile development methods. As part of this
discussion, I will also look at how an enterprise SCM
toolset, such as the IBM Rational SCM toolset, can be
implemented to support agile projects.
The approach that most agile development methods share
is the direct involvement and interaction with users
or customers, and the development of functionality in
frequent, short iterations (typically two to twelve
weeks). Typically, at the start of each iteration, agile
teams negotiate with the customer to define new features
or change requests. These are estimated by the developers
and then subsequently prioritized by the customer for
the next iteration, as illustrated in Figure 1. A backlog
of any features or change requests that have not been
implemented in an iteration are kept and, together with
any new requests, are re-prioritized by the customer
for the next iteration. Developers are permitted to
work on requests for the current iteration or to carry
out re-factoring and simplification of existing code
as necessary. The intention behind this is to keep design
simple and prevent gratuitous feature bloat. Code is
also continuously integrated; it is implemented, tested,
and committed frequently in very small units, with an
automated build process being invoked at commit time
to check for integration errors.
Figure 1: At the start of each iteration, agile
teams negotiate with the customer to define new features
or change requests. These are estimated by the developers
and then subsequently prioritized by the customer for
the next iteration.
Like any software development process, agile development
methods require a core and supporting team-based environment,
something which has traditionally been called software
configuration management, or SCM. Unfortunately, some
practitioners regard SCM as an archaic and unnecessarily
controlling discipline. But this is a misconception.
While it is true that too much and the wrong kind of
SCM can strangle an agile development project, it is
also true that agile practices such as iterative development
and continuous integration simply couldn't function
without SCM.
So, just how much and what form of SCM do you need
for these types of projects? To answer these questions,
let us introduce a relatively new concept: Agile SCM.
Agile SCM as a concept in its own right was probably
first discussed in detail by Brad Appleton and Stephen
Berczuk in their book Software Configuration Management
Patterns and on the SCM portal CM Crossroads.2
One of their observations was that:
...Configuration Management is going to be
critical "fulcrum" in leveraging a balanced
and effective set of SCM processes and criteria for
agile development methods. With such a large emphasis
on lean and lightweight from the "agilists,"
CM on agile projects will need to be less intrusive/invasive
(what Grady Booch would call low-friction) to
allow agile projects to succeed while at the same time
not being so minimal (due to overreaction) as to contribute
to their failure.
Which concurs with my earlier point that, although
SCM on agile projects tends to be more lightweight and
less visible, SCM itself is a critical requirement of
such projects. It is perhaps no coincidence that the
majority of agile projects adopt entry-level or lightweight
SCM tools such as CVS, Subversion, or BitKeeper -- tools
that have limited but ultimately sufficient functionality
for agile projects. They are also tools that tend to
be less intrusive and value the development experience,
rather than a high-level conformance to a regimented
In theory, however, there is no reason why you can't
use any SCM tool to support agile development practices.
You certainly don't have to use all the features of
a tool, and most tools allow some degree of process
customization, from heavyweight to lightweight and all
places in between. With enterprise tools such as IBM
Rational ClearCase, some organizations are tempted to
use all the "bells and whistles" to define
a heavyweight SCM process simply because the tool can
support it. However, such a process won't necessarily
meet the requirements of your project. To find the right
process and level of customization, you should first
identify and define your requirements, which means understanding
exactly what your development process is, or should
be, and then determining how SCM can support it.
In general, SCM is about "governance" of
the development process; that is, SCM allows projects
to retain a measure of control, but at the same time
allows developers the freedom to create within the process.
With agile development methods, developers typically
have a high degree of freedom and authority to implement
changes. However, one consequence of continuous integration
and test-driven development practices is that they actually
enable a well-disciplined and almost self-governing
approach for SCM. For example, on every code change,
agile developers must first write a unit test, then
write sufficient code just to make the test work, and
then subsequently refactor as necessary to complete
the change. The code change is committed (or checked
in), and its unit tests become part of the integration
suite. Any side-effects of the change are made immediately
visible through the integration build mechanism compiling
and executing the complete unit test suite -- any problems
that are found can be fixed immediately.
In Agile SCM, this governance model is a natural part
of day-to-day development activities and in all consequence
is pretty much transparent to the developers. To understand
this governance model in more detail, let us look at
some different characteristics of SCM and how they would
typically be implemented to support agile development
- Branches. Agile projects implement simple
branching strategies, typically an Active Development
and a Release Prep Line. The Active Development Line
is used by developers to commit their changes and
is the means by which continuous integration builds
are carried out. The Release Prep Line is used to
stabilize or engineer a release before making it available
to customers; developers are typically not allowed
to commit changes to it.
- Workspaces. Developers typically have a single
private workspace initially pointing at the collective
set of latest versions of the Active Development Line.
Their workspaces are updated at a minimum when they
start work on a new feature or change request and
just before they commit their changes to the Active
Development Line to check for integration issues.
- Labels. As with traditional SCM, labels are
placed at significant milestones on a collective set
of code versions, at a minimum on every release build,
so that it is possible to reproduce a build environment
if necessary.
- Builds and integration. An automated build
process is a key factor of successful agile development.
The build process typically monitors the Active Development
Line for commits and, if found, automatically executes,
after a grace period, an integration build and unit
test. Notification of the success or failure of this
build is a key communication factor in agile teams.
- Change control. As discussed earlier, there
is an implicit authorization process with agile development
teams; developers are authorized to make changes based
on customer priority or refactoring as necessary.
Requests are recorded either in change control systems,
or even for more informal projects, particularly within
eXtreme Programming projects, on cards or flip charts.
Although SCM characteristics such as these are typical
in agile processes, they are just as likely to be "tuned"
depending on the amount of agility that a particular
project requires. For example, some projects might not
be able to build on each commit but instead initiate
a single daily or nightly integration build. Also, projects
don't exist in isolation; they are normally one of many
projects in an organization. Often, an enterprise organization
contains a mix of both agile and traditional plan-driven
projects, and thus a given project may exist in a particular
market segment. This enterprise context often is the
strongest factor in deciding which SCM toolset is chosen
and which additional aspects of governance the chosen
toolset will need to support.
If you took a single agile project in isolation, its
SCM requirements could almost certainly be met by a
relatively simple toolset. Such a toolset would probably
be used and administered within the project itself.
However, rather than supporting project-specific toolsets,
most large organizations prefer to standardize on a
single SCM toolset and develop organizational processes
around it. There are typically two main reasons for
doing this:
- To reduce the total cost of ownership of the toolset
and its processes
- To be able to conform to a desired (or mandatory)
compliance or regulatory framework
Total cost of ownership is often a subjective issue,
since it includes many quantifiable aspects such as
license, administration, and support costs, as well
as other subjective aspects such as capability or scalability.
Enterprise toolsets such as the IBM Rational toolset
often have higher licensing, administration, and support
costs (certainly initially), but if implemented correctly,
these enterprise toolsets can increase organizational
capability as a whole. They also have proven scalability,
with a single, consolidated infrastructure able to support
large, geographically dispersed development organizations.
As noted above, the main danger of such a toolset is
the temptation to use more functionality than is necessary,
which can strangle agile projects. An organizational
SCM framework will need to be established, and its implementation
should be in some way configurable so as to meet the
needs of different projects.
Recent industry regulations such as Sarbanes Oxley,
Basel II, and CFR 21 Part 11 can place onerous overheads
on SCM processes, particularly with respect to change
control. Although practices such as "segregation
of duties" -- not allowing developers to deploy
to live environments -- should be implemented, the rigorous
enforcement of change control on agile projects can
strangle them. The business cost of not meeting these
regulations is massive, however, so while agile projects
might want to avoid non-essential governance practices,
they have to accept some additional overhead in most
cases. The good news is that if implemented correctly,
an automated SCM toolset can take on most of this governance
aspect, allowing businesses to maintain organizational
control, while allowing individual projects and their
developers to work on the creative aspect of developing
new software functionality to solve business problems.
Let's consider how a balance between governance rigor
and agility can be achieved for agile projects using
the IBM Rational toolset.
There is a common misconception that an enterprise
SCM toolset -- such as the IBM Rational toolset -- cannot
be used to support the implementation of agile development
methods. The significant functionality in these toolsets
is provided to support many different types and sizes
of development environments; consequently, it is not
always easy to identify which elements of this functionality
should be used, and there is a danger that the SCM process
will be over-engineered. Today, there is no out-of-the-box
agile SCM configuration for the IBM Rational SCM toolset.
Instead, it is left to the implementers of the toolset
to find the appropriate configuration to meet their
The good news is that many organizations have managed
to find such a configuration and are successfully implementing
agile development methods underpinned by the IBM Rational
toolset. From observation, there are a number of best
practices that these projects share. Although these
best practices are not absolute, they should be enough
to give you a framework and starting point for implementing
your own agile SCM process. They can be summarized as
- Implement a simplified branching strategy.
Agile projects implement simple branching strategies.
In both Base ClearCase and ClearCase UCM (Unified
Change Management), branches ("streams"
in UCM terms) can be created easily and cheaply. There
is therefore often a temptation to define a more complex
branching strategy than is strictly necessary. Agile
projects actively encourage continuous integration
and refactoring, but if developers are isolated on
a branch, problematic or complex merges can occur.
This is particularly true in the case of namespace
refactoring (renaming, adding, or deleting files or
directories). Consequently, most agile projects implement
a specific branch to act as the Active Development
Line and which the developers work on directly. In
Base ClearCase, this is either the main branch or
a specific project integration branch; in UCM, this
is the UCM project's integration stream. To isolate
an environment for a release, a Release-Prep Line
is also typically implemented. This is achieved by
creating a release branch (or UCM stream) off of a
candidate label (or UCM baseline) that has been placed
down on the Active Development Line. This label will
be created either manually -- or more likely automatically
-- as part of an integration build. A diagram illustrating
this structure is provided in Figure 2.

Figure 2: To isolate an environment for a release,
a Release-Prep Line is achieved by creating a release
branch (or UCM stream) off of a candidate label (or
UCM baseline) that has been placed down on the Active
Development Line. This label will be created either
manually -- or more likely automatically -- as part
of an integration build.
As well as a simplified branching strategy, agile
projects also tend to configure ClearCase to default
to an "unreserved" checkout model. This
allows developers to check out and check in a file
on the Active Development Line at any point (although
they might be required to do some merging if another
developer has also checked out and in the same file
in the interim). The default ClearCase model is for
the first check out to be "reserved." This
means that you are guaranteed to be able to check
the element back in without having to do a merge.
However, it also means that others can't check out
the element reserved until you put it back and that
people who check out the element unreserved have to
wait for you to check it back in before they can merge.
Such an approach really goes against agile principles.
- Use snapshot-view developer workspaces. If
developers are to work on a single branch, then dynamic
views are not really an option. The power of dynamic
views is that they update themselves automatically
when the branch that they are looking on is updated.
Therefore, if a number of developers have dynamic
views onto a single branch, they will have little
control or isolation in their workspace. Although
developer branches could be implemented, as we have
discussed, this can lead to other issues. Agile projects
therefore typically implement snapshot views, where
the developers are able to update their workspace
to bring in changes from other developers. In practice,
this allows developers enough control and isolation.
- Automate the build process. Single branch
development and incremental check-in can only work
when automated builds and tests are executed frequently.
Most agile projects configure their build process
to execute on every developer check-in. As well as
compiling code, such a build process also validates
new code to see if it conforms to pre-defined coding
conventions and executes unit tests where necessary.
In agile development methods, this practice is often
called continuous integration. Its desired result
is to expose integration problems as early as possible
so that they are easy to address, and also to have
a built, tested, and potentially releasable build
at every stage of the project. Continuous integration
is often intricately linked with the practice of test-driven
development. This is because developers need to implement
unit tests for all aspects of their code to validate
not only that the build has been compiled, but also
that it conforms to some minimum level of functional
quality. In ClearCase terms, the agile project's build
process is set to monitor the integration branch (or
UCM stream) and then execute a build script on check-in.
This is typically carried out by build execution tools
such as CruiseControl (
or IBM Rational BuildForge (
- Stage and re-use pre-built binaries. Building
any reasonably complex software application can take
time, from several minutes to several hours. In agile
projects, developers will be delivering and integrating
small changes frequently; they therefore obviously
cannot wait for a two-hour build to complete before
getting feedback. To avoid this situation, agile projects
typically "stage" and re-use pre-built binaries,
and only rebuild the whole system when necessary (for
example, nightly or weekly). There are a number of
ways of staging binaries. ClearCase is often used
to stage binaries, with labels or baselines placed
down on related versions to indicate a composite set
of re-usable binaries. For C/C++ projects, the ClearCase
clearmake utility also has a build-avoidance
mechanism that can be used to automate much of this
staging and re-use process, although there is little
evidence of agile projects using this mechanism. For
Java projects, an alternate approach is to stage pre-built
libraries in a dependency management tool such as
Ivy (
or Maven (
This is particularly appropriate where a project re-uses
a significant amount of open-source components or
where there are issues with transitive dependencies
(i.e., where libraries are dependent on other libraries).
- Release as a composite application. When
it comes to releasing your application, try to release
all your files rather than releasing individual sets.
Most agile projects prefer to deploy the whole or
composite application each time rather than just the
individual files that have changed. Although this
is not a hard and fast rule, releasing the whole application
in the same way each time tends to make the process
more repeatable and prevents problems with missing
files. This practice is more important for agile projects
than more high-ceremony projects, because they produce
an executable, testable, and releasable application
at the end of every iteration. Obviously, this depends
on the target environment for the application. If
it is Web portal, then this approach is fine, but
if it is a consumer application (running on, say,
Microsoft Windows), then a full release cannot be
made to the customer each time a patch is required.
- Limit the use of MultiSite technology. Distributed
agile projects require unrestricted access to a single
codeline. The ClearCase MultiSite technology replicates
complete databases from site to site. To avoid conflicting
changes being made at each site, it implements a concept
called mastership. This means that if a project
is being worked on across multiple sites and developers
are sharing the same branch, then mastership has to
be requested by each developer before they can commit
their changes. There are a number of ways to work
around this issue (including creating site-based integration
branches), but they all add an extra level of complexity
and can slow down the development process. For these
reasons, agile projects tend to avoid MultiSite technology.
This is why the ClearCase Remote Client (CCRC) technology
was developed; it allows distributed development based
off a single server. The first releases of the CCRC
had limited functionality; however, as of the version
7.0 release, it will have sufficient functionality
for the majority of distributed projects. It should
therefore be the recommended way of working for distributed
agile projects going forward. The screenshot in Figure
3 illustrates the ClearCase Remote Client working
in an Eclipse environment.
Figure 3: ClearCase Remote Client working in an
Eclipse environment
- Avoid over-customization of ClearQuest change
control. Implement an open or customizable change
request workflow. The IBM Rational ClearQuest tool
can provide a very powerful and sophisticated change-
and defect-tracking facility. Although a number of
agile projects using ClearCase have avoided using
ClearQuest entirely, more and more projects are looking
at ClearQuest and also UCM to see if it can be applied
to help them meet their organization's compliance
and regulatory requirements. Certainly ClearQuest
can have a place in automating the capture, prioritization,
and allocation of a typical change request and feature
backlog, as I mentioned at the beginning of this article.
However, too much process enforcement or micro-management
can make it time-intensive for developers to start
work on new change tasks. If not done with care, this
can significantly slow down the overall development
process and reduce the productivity of the agile project.
To avoid this, agile projects typically implement
a lightweight or customizable ClearQuest change request
workflow. This is particularly relevant where ClearQuest
is being used across an organization. Some projects
in that organization might require more process control
and management, a lot of which can be embedded in
the ClearQuest tool. However, agile projects might
not need or desire the same amount of process control
and management. Organizations working with such environments
have been successful by allowing the change request
workflow to be configurable by each project. However,
such an implementation requires detailed knowledge
of both the ClearQuest tool and the requirements of
different project processes and should not be undertaken
In this article, I have discussed the concept of agile
SCM and best practices regarding how it can be implemented
using IBM Rational ClearCase and IBM Rational ClearQuest.
Hopefully, this discussion has convinced you that a
suitable process can be found and implemented to support
agile projects. It is worth noting that the implementation
of an Agile SCM environment is not something that should
be restricted to just agile projects. There are many
projects that do not consider themselves as agile, but
yet have similar SCM requirements. These tend to be
smaller IS/IT projects where the configuration of a
similar environment would be very practical. But it's
worth noting that even larger projects could learn something
by implementing a more lightweight and well-designed
SCM process such as the one described here. In particular,
the practices of build automation (including compilation
and testing), pre-built binary staging, and composite
releasing could be adopted by any project.
There is no reason why an enterprise SCM toolset, such
as the IBM Rational toolset, cannot be used to support
the implementation of agile development methods. The
key is to define and implement an agile SCM process
that focuses on supporting, rather than restricting,
the agile team. It can be a tricky exercise to find
the right governance model for such a team, but a general
recommendation would be to start with a more open
process, only implementing restriction where necessary.
Feedback is also an essential part of agile development
methods. One of the ways that SCM can help with this
feedback mechanism is via an automated build and testing
(and deployment) process. It is therefore recommended
that you invest a significant amount of time looking
at this aspect of your overall process.
1 For a discussion of the relative merits
and successes of agile versus traditional development
methods, see Barry Boehm and Richard Turner's excellent
book, Balancing Agility and Discipline: A Guide
for the Perplexed: Addison Wesley 2004. Alternatively,
for up-to date discussions and case studies on agile
development methods, you can visit and subscribe to
The Agile Journal (
2 Stephen P. Berczuk and Brad Appleton,
Software Configuration Management Patterns. Effective
Teamwork, Practical Integration. Addison Wesley
2003. See also Brad Appleton et al., Streamed Lines:
Branching Patterns for Parallel Software Development.
PLoP Conference: 1998.
3 See Appleton, 1998, Op. cit.
4 For more information on how to set up
an automated build environment for agile projects, see
Kevin A. Lee, IBM Rational ClearCase, Ant and CruiseControl.
The Java Developers Guide to Accelerating and Automating
the build process. Addison Wesley 2006.