As you may know, IBM® Rational® ClearQuest®
supports several different relational database management systems
(RDBMS) on the back-end. It is important to recognize, though, that
different database vendors have various default settings that could
influence ClearQuest's configuration and deployment. When the ClearQuest
administrator is not familiar with the specific attributes of a
particular RDBMS, configuring ClearQuest can become rather time-consuming.
If you want to use DB2 as your back-end database, but have limited
experience on DB2, this article should serve as a good point of
IBM® DB2® is a comprehensive RDBMS product, which IBM®
Rational® ClearQuest® fully supports. This article provides
a step-by-step configuration guide to give you a clear picture regarding
how to configure DB2 as your ClearQuest back-end RDBMS.
For the most common configuration, ClearQuest requires two separate
databases: the Schema Repository database and the User database.
Therefore, the first step is to create two DB2 databases.
Note: remember to create a new buffer pool with a special
setting in your User database to allow the system to read certain
types of long ClearQuest records, such as defect records.
Prepare DB2 databases
1. Create a database for the schema repository with the DB2
command line processor (CLP) using the common DB2 database creation
db2 create db [databasename] using codeset [encodingname] territory
Note: The italicized text enclosed in brackets represents
variables (which can be replaced with your own values). Also note
that the database name cannot be more than eight letters. For details
about DB2 database syntax, refer to the
DB2 Information Center.
For example:
On Windows 2000, click Start > Run. Type db2cmd and press
Enter. Then input the following command at the command prompt:
db2 create db gbsrdb using codeset UTF-8 territory CN
2. Create a database for the User database with DB2 CLP.
For example:
At the command prompt, execute the following command:
db2 create db gbuserdb using codeset UTF-8 territory CN
Figure 1. Commands that create databases with
3. Configure the User database to add a new buffer pool, and
set the page size to 16K.
- To create the special buffer pool, first connect to the database,
then execute the following commands:
db2 connect to gbuserdb user <DB2 Admin Account>
db2 create bufferpool bp4cq immediate size 250 pagesize 16k
Figure 2. Create a new buffer pool
The common command syntax to create a buffer pool is as follows:
db2 create bufferpool [bufferpoolname] immediate size [numberofsize]
pagesize [numberofsize]k
- Create a new table space that uses the newly-added buffer pool.
For example, execute the following command:
db2 connect to gbuserdb user [DB2 Admin Account]
db2 create regular tablespace ts4cq pagesize 16k managed by
system using ('c:\db\node0001') extentsize 16 overhead 12.67
prefetchsize 16 transferrate 0.18 bufferpool bp4cq dropped table
recovery off
Figure 3. Create a tablespace
Note: You can also create these DB2 objects with the DB2
GUI tool DB2 Control Center, which provides some step-by-step
wizards to help you complete these tasks.
Create ClearQuest Schema
Repository and User database on ClearQuest server
4. Create a schema repository with the ClearQuest Maintenance
- Click Schema Repository > Create, then input the DB2
database info for the Schema Repository.
Figure 4. Create a Schema Repository
- If you want a quick tutorial on some of the features within
ClearQuest, you can select Create sample database. In this
example, the box is left blank.
Figure 5. Option to create a sample database
- When you click Finish, you will see a warning. By default,
the encoding of input data in the ClearQuest database is ASCII(20217).
Simply click OK. For more information, or if you prefer
to set the data code page, please refer to Step 5.
Figure 6. Data code page message
- Confirm that you have successfully created the Schema Repository.
Figure 7. New Schema Repository information
5. (Optional) As mentioned in Step 4.3, you can set the proper
ClearQuest data code page by following these steps:
Sample command:
- List the code page of the Schema and client OS.
[ClearQuest Installation Directory]>installutil.exe lscodepage
-dbset GB18030DefectsDB admin admin
- Next, set the code page of the client OS into the Schema.
[ClearQuest Installation Directory]>installutil.exe setdbcodepagetoplatformcodepage
-dbset GB18030DefectsDB admin
- Set the code page into ASCII.
[ClearQuest Installation Directory]>installutil.exe setdbcodepagetoascii
-dbset GB18030DefectsDB admin admin
Note: for more detailed information about code page settings, refer
to the
Rational ClearQuest Administrator's Guide.
6. Create a User database with ClearQuest Designer.
- Open ClearQuest Designer. When prompted, don't select any schema
to edit. Click Database > New database.
Figure 8. Create a new database
- Enter a name in the Logical Database Name box, and input
a brief description into the Comment box.
Figure 9. Describe the database
- Specify the DB2 User database.
Figure 10. Link to the physical database
you created previously
- Select a schema to create the User database.
Figure 11. Associate the database with
a schema
At this point, you have completed the ClearQuest server settings.
You should be able to log on to ClearQuest from the server. To enable
ClearQuest client access, you need to complete the following steps
on your client machine:
Configure ClearQuest
client machine
7. Install DB2 client on your client machine. Next, catalog
the Schema Repository database on the client machine and execute
the following commands:
db2 catalog tcpip node node1 remote [cqserver_name]
server 50000 remote_instance DB2 system [cqserver_name]
ostype win
db2 catalog database gbsrdb at node node1
db2 catalog database gbuserdb at node node1
For details on how to catalog a DB2 database on the client machine,
refer to the
DB2 Information Center.
8. Create a connection on the client machine with the ClearQuest
Maintenance Tool.
- Open the ClearQuest Maintenance Tool, and then click Connection
> New.
Figure 12. Create a connection on the

- Enter the connection name, and the settings of the Schema Repository,
into the DB2 database.
Figure 13. Enter the database properties
- Make sure that the ClearQuest client is configured correctly
and properly. If the connection fails, go back through all of
the previous steps to check your work. If all the information
is input correctly, ClearQuest should function normally.
Figure 14. Confirmation dialog
9. Start to use ClearQuest.
Congratulations! If you have successfully reached this point, you
are ready to begin using ClearQuest. To log on, just enter your
ClearQuest account and password, as shown below:
Figure 15. Logging on
Once you've logged on, ClearQuest is ready for use. By combining
ClearQuest with DB2 as your back-end RDBMS you now have a powerful,
scalable change management solution.
Figure 16. The ClearQuest workspace