
作者:宁凯编译 本文选自:赛迪网 2002年12月27日


更改配置文件是比较容易的一件事情,这样就可以修改电子邮件的具体外表形式。请注意,如何使用string.Format(...) 将动态值替换到从配置文件中读取出来的模板中。另请注意,如何使用CDATA 部分将HTML嵌入到 XML 文件之间。


在讲述如何实现这些方法之前,我们先来解释如何将一个静态方法转变成为一个接口。具体理由如下:AppServices 是一个接口集,其中的每个接口均表示一种服务。例如:

public AppServices
public static IConfig getConfigurationService();
pulbic static IFacgtory getFactoryService();
public static ILog getLoggingService();
...any other application level services

我们来看看 IConfig可能包含的内容:

public interface IConfig
public static getValue(string key);
// throws an exception if the key is not found or has an
// empty string
public static getValueHonourWhiteSpace(string key)
// throws an exception if the key is not found
public static getValue(string key, string default);
// returns the default if the key is not found or has an
// empty string
public static getValueHonourWhiteSpace(string key, string default)
// returns the default if the key is not found

我们可能拥有另一支持XPath 的接口,如下所示:

public interface IConfigXPath
//Xpath support
public static getXPathValue(string key);
// throws an exception if the key is not found or has an
// empty string
public static getXPathValueHonourWhiteSpace(string key)
// throws an exception if the key is not found
public static getXPathValue(string key, string default);
// returns the default if the key is not found or has an
// empty string
public static getXPathValueHonourWhiteSpace(string key, string default)
// returns the default if the key is not found


public class DefaultConfig : IConfig, IXPathConfig
... Implements all the methods

现在对 AppServices 进行编码,如下所示:

public class AppServices
private IConfig m_config = new DefaultConfig();
// Potentially one can get this from a factory
public static getIConfig() { return m_config; }
... and others


public class CaseSensitiveConfig : IConfig
//... implement your keys with case sensitive
public class CaseInsensitiveConfig : IConfig
//... implement your keys with case insensitive


public class CaseInsensitiveMultiFileConfig : IConfig
// Implement your keys with case insensitivity and
// read from multiple config files

我们一直在强调配置文件的重要性,用不了多久,这种想法就会得到广泛应用。XML 配置文件将会随处可见。在一个团队中,可能需要将配置信息拆分成多个文件,以便增强团队成员之间的合作。



方法是足够简单了。所有的配置均可以在一个section中设置。诸如 DefaultConfig 这样的类可以读取此section中的数据内容。一旦获取了所需的数据内容,DefaultConfig 类就可以遍历XML文档中的每一个结点,并在数据字典或哈希表中为每一个关键字和值设置对应的一项。这里所提到的数据字典将可以响应客户端发送的关键字请求。

Section 处理器代码如下:

public class SimpleConfigurationSectionHandler :IConfigurationSectionHandler
public object Create(object parent, object configContext, XmlNode section)
return section;
} // end of method
} // end of class


public class DefaultConfig : IConfig {
// keep a dictionary of values
private IDictionary m_keyValuePairs
// implement methods of IConfig using the above
// dictionary details left to you
// Constructor, where it reads your SimpleConfiguration
// XML node using the section handler above
public DefaultConfig()
// read the xml section for general config
// Section name: SimpleConfiguration
XmlNode xmlNode =
if(xmlNode != null)
m_keyValuePairs = createDictionary(m_genConfigXmlNode);
// Here is the createdictionary
private IDictionary createDictionary(XmlNode genConfigXmlNode)
IDictionary ht = new Hashtable();
if(genConfigXmlNode != null &&
genConfigXmlNode.ChildNodes != null &&
genConfigXmlNode.ChildNodes.Count > 0)
// walk through each node
// if it is a leaf node add it to the hash table
// if it is not continue the process
return ht;
// Here is how you walk the nodes recursively
// to get your keys
private void walkTheNode(IDictionary ht, string parent, XmlNode node)
if(node != null)
if (node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Comment)
if (node.HasChildNodes == false)
if (node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text)
// no children
string leaf = node.Value;
// end of the recursive call
else if (node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.CDATA)
XmlCDataSection cdataSection = (
string leaf = cdataSection.Data;
// end of the recursive call
string key = parent + "/" + node.Name;
string val = "";
ht.Add(key.ToLower(), val);
string newparent = parent + "/" + node.Name;
// has children
// walk all the children
for(int i=0;i<node.ChildNodes.Count;i++)
// recursive call

提示:编码时请特别关注如何处理 CDATA 和空文本结点。


(责任编辑 Sunny)
